Abstract/Case Submissions

Northeast Region Burn Conference

Scientific Program Abstract/Case Study Submission Form

Accepted abstracts/Case Study will be presented in oral or poster format.  Submissions with the highest scores qualify for podium presentation.   Abstracts/Case Studies are graded by members of the NRBC Program Committee.  Authors will be notified electronically of status.

Submission Requirements are listed below.  Failure to comply may result in disqualification.

  1. Deadline: 12:00 am EDT, July 15, 2024
  2. Abstract/Case Study should be submitted electronically using the designated format, to the Northeast Region Burn Conference website – https://www.northeastregionburnconference.org/
  3. Submissions are limited to 2,500 characters in Calibri 11 font. This includes the combined length of the abstract body and title.  Characters include letters, numbers and punctuation.  Authors should be limited to name only. Due to site limitations, Tables and Special Characters may not be used however, if accepted, can be featured in a poster or podium presentations.

For further questions, contact: Katie Hollowed at [email protected] or Kathe Conlon at [email protected]

 A Challenging Case is presented by the host Burn Center.  Content includes 3-4 unique challenges, requiring a multidisciplinary approach of care to address.

During the session, attendees will be divided into groups to consider case challenges and share recommendations by answering a series of questions/issues to pose to them. The presenting Burn Center will then discuss how challenges were ultimately addressed.

 Pro/Con Debates

The spirit of this session is a light-hearted, entertaining opportunity to debate the pros and cons of a controversial subject.  However, it is important to be on the same page as your debate partner.

Each presentation is limited to 10 minutes, with 5 minutes for rebuttal. Presentations should be based on facts or scientific data, but still be humorous.  Consider the following recommendations to help construct a successful, lively session:

  • Speak with your co-debater prior to the session. Together, decide the format your debate will take. For example, if one person is using PowerPoint, the other person should as well. If one person is going to sing a song, or use a prop, the other person should be made aware.
  • Similarly, debaters should decide which type of evidence to present – clinical experiences, scientific literature, or a mixture of both? If one debater uses anecdotal clinical experience and the other uses only scientific evidence, the session may seem imbalanced.
  • Use of props, audio-visual media, costumes and/or audience participation prizes is encouraged.
  • While “roasting” of your co-debater may be appropriate, check beforehand so that they are on-board with the style you are choosing. This session is not meant to make anyone to feel uncomfortable.

2024 Northeast Region Burn Conference

Scientific Program Abstract Submission Form

Deadline for Abstract/Case Study submission is midnight, July 15, 2024

Abstract / Case Study Submissions are now closed